Guad Row

Due to the layout of its large city blocks Salt Lake City is filled with deep residential lots that have narrow street frontages. This can be a challenge to provide a much needed density to these established residential neighborhoods.  These side oriented row houses are a great solution to this that will allow for increasing density.

This is di’velepts first townhome project that is now a great addition to the Guadalupe neighborhood.

Design Schedule: July 2017-January 2019

Phases: Design Conception - Construction Administration

Construction Type: Two story Townhome

Number of Units: 13

Number of Unit Types: 2

Completed: August 2020

A Facade fit for a Street

One of the challenges of a side oriented row house project is that the side of the building that faces the street is actually the side of a unit rather than the front where you would typically place an entrance.   

On top of it being a good design principle to follow, most jurisdictions require that the side of the building that faces the street be made to look as though it is the front of the building.   This was accomplished on this project by sliding the entry door around to the side and designing a facade against the stairs on the interior that feels inviting and engages with the street.  We also wrapped the upper porch around the side of the building to further enhance the prominence of that facade.  

The remainder of that side of the building is a garage face and solid walls for needs of the interior that were a challenge to address.   Some thoughtful placement of windows in the garage and tying the entire facade together to work with the project as a whole allowed things to stay fairly plain but to work with the overall design.   It was a fun design challenge and we think it really came together on this one.

A Splash of Color

Often the driveway side of a townhome project can be a challenge to address.  It is mostly driven by its function and can often be very utilitarian.  A bit of a wasteland and not somewhere you want to visit other than while parking your vehicle.   

The reality of these driveway spaces is that they become a great place for kids to ride their bicycles and in reality offer the majority of open space that is directly adjacent to the units.  With the garage door open they become an extension of the living units as a kind of porch space.  As such these spaces really should receive more consideration in the design than they often are allotted. 

We chose to add a splash of color to this side of the building that is integrated into the overall massing so as to create a more inviting feel and a bit of excitement and interest to an otherwise mundane space.  

Interiors Designed to Work with Exteriors

A lot of consideration was given to the window placement on this project and how it might enhance the indoor environment. The wide windows that climb the facade were placed so as to provide light into the space and views out without compromising privacy from passers by who were using the sidewalk approach to their units.  

The lower window in the kitchen was placed to align with the countertop and extend that working surface into the window as the sill.   The window is placed below the head height of a typical adult who might be passing by.   The upper window is situated to provide a view above the neighboring fence and property that makes the project feel open and expansive even though it sits on a tighter site.  

The original design was intended to work with custom cabinetry that would build the windows into the kitchen and make it a flawless integration.  Despite the final product excluding this design feature the interiors of the space feel light and airy and create an inviting and enjoyable place to live.

Visual Interest on a Typical Budget

One of the things that we feel like we do well is to understand how a building really goes together.  As we design, we try to bring visual interest to our projects without adding a lot of extra cost.  The feedback we received on this design was that it was made to have a lot of visual interest while respecting typical construction techniques so while the project stands out in the neighborhood it didn’t really cost more to construct than any other townhome project you could have built in the area.

Project Timelines + Phases

Due to complications with everything that goes into the development of a project and taking time to acquire all of the pieces to maximize the highest and best use in an area, this project spent some time in the design phase overall.  The design schedule spanned from July of 2017 through January of 2019.  As the size of the site grew by acquiring more land, we had to get creative with how to split the building to meet the needs and requirements for fire access to the site.  We were involved on this one from the initial design concept and maximizing the use of the site to seeing the design through the permitting process and checking in on construction.  We provided nearly a full range of architectural services on this project to see it become the nice addition to the neighborhood it is today. 

Construction + Completion

Construction went smoothly and was generally in line with typical townhome construction practices that are to be expected.  One of the tricks with townhome construction is to provide the fire separation between units.  Utilizing the latest building assemblies available allows this separation to be installed quickly and efficiently so the project keeps moving forward on schedule.  Construction started in the middle of 2019 and was completed nearly a year later.

Building Community and Connection

These 3 bedroom units are nicely sized for a small family to live comfortably in the neighborhood.  The project takes what was a single residence and brings 13 units in total to the area.  This adds a lot of opportunity for young families looking to establish themselves near the downtown core of Salt Lake City.   

From the upper bedroom windows on the east side of the project you get a beautiful view of Salt Lake City offset from the towering majestic mountains looming in the background inviting the tenants of this project to come and explore the city and get out and enjoy the nature that surrounds.    It is connected to the fabric of this great place and we are excited to have played a part in bringing about its existence.

Looking ahead

This project really showcases di’velept’s ability to deliver a project that is on time and on budget all while looking good doing it.  Whether you are looking to develop a set of townhomes yourself, or if you are looking to construct something completely different, di'velept can get the design work done for you.  This was our first project of this type and we knocked it out of the park.  We look forward to doing the same on any building you need designed.  If we don’t have the experience necessary we will either partner with someone who does or we will research the subject in depth until we are experts on the matter ourselves.   We are not afraid of new challenges and finding creative solutions.  We are expert problem solvers and we are thorough in our work.

